Bio: Professor Carlo E. Zayas Morales

Bio: Professor Carlo E. Zayas Morales

Mr. Carlo Zayas is a professor at the Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, where he teaches courses in Immigration and Citizenship Law; Refugee and Asylum Law; and workshops on Immigration Trial and Appellate Litigation. After completing his LL.M. at Columbia University, Mr. Zayas has focused his scholarly and research agenda in the fields of Immigration Law, Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, Constitutional Theory, and the legal structures of Imperialism and Sovereignty. Mr. Zayas has also litigated extensively as a trial and appellate attorney for private and government clients in local, state and federal courts. Mr. Zayas currently serves as a Trial Attorney for the Immigration and Customs Agency before Immigration Courts throughout the Nation and the Board of Immigration Appeals.

SSRN Author ID: 2030280

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